Hello readers, faithful followers. You, and we, have waited many years for this next installment but at last here we are, or there we go.
Today we head north, to Scandinavia, with bikes (not on them!). Taking advantage of the end of Sascha’s gap year in Norway, our plan is to meet him there, join in his end of year festivities and then set off on bike for a grand tour of the Scandinavian countries, catching up with long last cousins in far flung places and a grand descent of the arctic coast and islands. The exact route is of course very vague at this point but it is starting to come together.
A quick pedal to the airport (raining and muddy of course to ensure that we ar prepared for the voyage), then a not very quick but hasty dismantling and bagging of the bikes with our many many pieces of luggage and we are off. Next stop: Copenhagen.