The regular reader will have noticed a lapse in posts recently, a gap of six months! Indeed, we were on pause and stationary in London, UK. Sascha has posted some small update on our activities there surrounding Samuel’s recuperation period and general schooling. It has been a close family time and also a time to discover new friends and amazing people and places in the UK. More on that later.
The important thing is that Samuel is now in good health, bouncier than ever. I won’t go into detail about his illness on this blog but if you are interested to hear more, then please contact me directly – it has been quite a trialling period but at least now the outlook is good.
With health restored, the school term ended, and an ok from the doctors we are now back on the move. No bikes this time. Stay tuned…
Stay safe! Enjoy. X
Bravo Samuel !!!
Nous sommes vraiment soulagés pour toi !
J’espere que maintenant tu vas pouvoir profitez pleinement de ces beaux voyages avec les parents et tes freres !
Gros bisous Samuel, ici il pleut, nous sommes allés à l’aquarium. Quentin
We hope you are all well! Take care and I look forward to reading more about your adventures! Hugs, Sati x